
I am thankful for a wonderful family and job. As of May 2024, I started working as a Linux System Administrator. In the 15 years prior, I taught Spanish and managed the language lab at a university. My jobs have given me many opportunities to serve others.

I love learning and have many areas of interest. I especially love developing my knowledge of Linux and free and open source software (FOSS). It is a blessing to have it available. As a Christian, FOSS enables me to practice good stewardship of the resources I have been given. Hardware can be used for much longer without running into planned obsolescence. Furthermore, good stewardship means investing in developing your mind and knowledge. FOSS invites creativity, learning, and innovation at a level that is not possible with closed software.

I first installed Linux in 2013 using Crouton on a Chromebook. I remember spending an afternoon playing with the Xfce interface. I found it delightful that so much could be customized. I could set up the interface however I wanted. I discovered that freedom and control was in the user's hands. In 2014, I started using Linux as my full-time desktop operating system. It has been a fun journey. FOSS is important to me, but nothing compares to the liberation I have from my sin through the work of Christ on the cross. Ultimately, my identity is in Him, and all else is secondary.